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practical business 意味

"practical business"の例文


  • practical business
  • practical     practical adj. 実際的な, 実際に役立つ. 【副詞】 eminently practical きわめて実際的な
  • business     business n. 事務, 仕事, (用)件; 営業, 商売, 景気; 店, 事業, 会社; 取引, 注文; 職務; 権利; 議事; (漠然と)こと,
  • practical business ability    実務{じつむ}の才
  • practical business affairs    実務{じつむ}
  • practical business proposition    実行可能{じっこう かのう}な事業計画{じぎょう けいかく}
  • offer business leaders practical advice    経営指導者{けいえい しどうしゃ}に実用的{じつようてき}な助言{じょげん}を与える
  • practical way to expand one's business    事業{じぎょう}を拡大{かくだい}するための実用的{じつよう てき}な方法{ほうほう}
  • practical     practical adj. 実際的な, 実際に役立つ. 【副詞】 eminently practical きわめて実際的な intensely practical 非常に実際的な Your proposal isn't wholly practical. あなたの提案はすべて実行できるわけではない. 【+前置詞】 My husband i
  • as a practical matter    実際に、実際問題として
  • as a practical measure    実際的{じっさいてき}な対策{たいさく}として
  • as a practical proposition    実行可能{じっこう かのう}な話として
  • as low as practical    できる限り低く◆【略】ALAP
  • be not practical politics     be not práctical pólitics ((主に英))(非現実的で)論じる価値がない;困難そうである.
  • eminently practical    極めて実際的{じっさいてき}な
  • for practical purposes    実際上は、実際的には、実際に、事実上、あらゆる点から考えて、実用的{じつよう てき}には


  • they took charge of practical business for a trial , under the supervision of the ossotonin .
  • he studied academics under oe no masafusa , and learned the traditional bureaucratic lessons for practical business .
  • since the office of the benkan took charge of the practical business at the center of political affairs , it too was considered an important post .
  • as the practical business of shonagon was performed by daigeki and shogeki (prescribed number was two for each ), shonagonkyoku began to be called gekikyoku .
  • gradually he came to deal with the practical business of ruling chigyo-koku (provincial fiefdom ), planning and carrying out policies of finances and management of fiefs .
  • takauji ashikaga granted sanzan kengyo ' s wish and gave a practical support by newly creating a post , kumano sanzan bugyo (magistrate ), to manage practical business in a local land .
  • zaichokanjin is a general term for a local government official who undertakes the practical business of kokuga (local area ) administration from the heian period to the kamakura period in japan .
  • nobles who held excellent practical business capabilities , such as fujiwara no nagakata , tsunefusa yoshida , taira no tokitada , minamoto no michichika , and kanemitsu hino were selected to help the not-so-savvy takakura .
  • benkankyoku was an important office that was in charge of practical business of daijokan under the giseikan (daijin , dainagon , chunagon , sangi ), and was collectively called daijokan sankyoku together with shonagon .
    議政官(大臣 (日本)・大納言・中納言・参議)の下で太政官の実務を担う枢要の部署であり、少納言と合わせて太政官三局という。
  • in that period , the important task was to improve and administer the taiho ritsuryo (taiho code ) issued in 701 , so that the empress gave an important position to fujiwara no fuhito who was competent in practical business .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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